Please note this is a repost from my wifes blog
It's update time!
The further we go on this community garden journey, the more we realise we have undertaken a HUGE project. It can feel at times as if we aren't making much progress at all, even though we are. It's all about laying the foundations for something amazing to develop, slowly but surely. And something amazing is indeed developing. Follow the pics below for a peek at the latest work undertaken.
A clean, open space. The lawns are constantly trimmed and the area at the top of the gardens looks fresh and loved.
Hubby and I have 3 dedicated workers on site each Thursday- 2 areWork for the Dole recipients and one is a faithful, hard worker, Ben, from our church. All 3 guys do a simply brilliant job and as a team, we function well together.
I say this, because with my exhausting menopause transition, some workers with injuries, and un-seasonal high temps, we all manage to work well at our individual tasks.
This area housed the old creche sandpit. Week 6, I made it my mission to completely clean this area up.
It took the better part of the day, but I did it. Satisfaction right there!
Now we have a clear space to work and store things neatly.
Hubby leveling out the ground to create another pathway. One of the workers did a brilliant job on the first half of the path. Soon, we will have a linked walkway from both ends of the garden.
At the bottom of the slope, we have the base of a pathway!
My other goal for week 6 was to mulch and plant 2 vines on the slope. Job done. Though the weeds are quite another issue. I figured, best to weed a little, plant the vines and attack the rest later, or nothing good will ever start to grow. The vines will eventually choke out the weeds anyway.
We are up to week 7 now. This is the start of more garden beds. The edging will be concreted, and make an easy path to mow around, and create a garden bed to weed, mulch and plant out under the trees.
The cardboard looks unsightly, but one thing I have discovered about this daisy weed, it's almost immune to weed spray. Choking out light seems to be the best option.
The slope now has a retaining wall. Hubby and Ben worked hard this week digging holes and concreting the supports in. Small steps and the garden is taking shape!
One week after planting and my bougainvillea is looking healthy! Can't wait for this to spread and erupt in stunning pink flowers all over the slope. Even when not I flower, the variegated leaves add colour too.
I love garden bridges. This picture, courtesy of Pintrest, is the dream...
...aaaaand this is the current reality :)
Least we can get the mower over easily.
Thankfully, it's only temporary.
There you have it, a few more weeks done and dusted. So excited to bring you more updates soon!
Thanks for reading guys :)