Please note this is a repost from my wifes blog
This sums up my Thursday quite well- dirty work with lots of shoveling involved.
I love it!
This week was all about making substantial visual progress, and defining areas. Hubby and I are both over just mowing and keeping the area clear. Thankfully, with a ride on now, we need not stress about hand mowing a few times each week; one hour spent on the ride on, and the weeds are down. Though I admit- the cardio was awesome with the push mower :)
Today involved making good use of the absolute abundance of free mulch we already have. Since commencing this project, we discovered that the local tip now charges for green waste disposal, and no longer provides cheap mulch anymore. Bit of a bummer. However, all is not lost.
Hubby hooked the trailer up and drove it down to where we had been piling leaf litter. Two trailer loads were carted up and dumped down a large slope. The recent heavy rain has made the ground a little boggy, so the rest had to be done by hand. I started raking up piles, and later, when our amazing helper, Ben, turned up, wheelbarrow load after load went onto the slope as well. Great use of a free resource.
I have personally always wanted a little fence to define the garden space. I got my way today! Hubby decided to put in several treated pine posts and loop a chain over them for a simple fence. It will deter drive downs and rubbish dumping. Hopefully.
With this fence in place, and a string line and marker stakes, we have a visual area to fill with mulch, and then with bougainvillea vines. I want to use them as a ground cover and create a tropical, colourful and hardy shrubby cover that will flower most of the year. I've been scouting for specials and found some plants for $9 each today- an absolute bargain!
I also had what I thought was a brilliant idea for bench seating. Watch this space!
Take a look below at the progress of the day...
Trailer loads of mulch went onto the slope. We weren't very discriminatory- small branches, sticks and rocks made it in too. It will all be hidden when planted out.
One half of the mulched slope, and the nearer half lightly turned over with a rake to prepare for mulching. This way, it's easier to tackle weeds coming through without the use of heavy chemical weed killers.
Once all the available mulch had been collected and dumped onto the slope, I had the tough job of watering it down.
I'm totally impressed with hubby's simple fence. It gives a visual clue that a garden space is being created.
Theses are some saved logs from earlier tree lopping. Hubby is digging them into the new pathway he is constructing to give the slope stability.
If you notice in the background, large sheets of cardboard have been put under the trees. This area will be mulched as well, and a garden created. The cardboard should act as a weed killer.
If you can avoid chemicals- do it.
Log number one going into the ready made trench before being buried and packed in.
One down, a lot to go!
Team effort here.
Ben is compacting the sand, hubby is shoveling the gravel that I dug up and carted in the wheelbarrow.
With this pathway almost complete, we have plans to add an offshoot to it, and some more pine logs to define the entrance way.
There will another pathway further up, near the newly mulched and fenced slope. Some nice signage isn't far away either.
I have already started my plant collecting. I am keeping them alive in my tiny yard, desperately keen to get them planted. I can't wait to create a visually beautiful, scented, flowering area for people to enjoy.
Sigh. I heart gardening.
That is your lot for today. I'm looking forward to bringing you even more progress soon!
Until then, thanks for reading :)
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