After last weeks crazy rain, we weren't sure how gardening would go this week. Surprisingly, not too bad. There was still a lot of water around, however, it had subsided considerably. Yay for sandy swamp land.
Thursday was primarily rubbish clean-up day. With so many leaves and dead branches everywhere, the space looked super messy. Many branches had landed on new plants too. Glad I picked super hardy species.
I was surprised at how little damage occurred on my bromeliad beds. I replanted several-some of which had floated away, up-righted a few more and gave them a water with super smelly, but I'm guessing super fertile swamp water. One of the beds still has wet patches. Not sure how brollies go with wet feet. Guess I'll find out soon enough.
After this was done, I worked on the newest garden bed, the day before, hubby and I emptied the trailer load of mulch onto a large carpet square-we needed the trailer to move my biggest girl into her new abode. So now, my job was to put this mulch onto my newly planted out garden bed, one shovel load at a time. Talk about the never ending story!
As I was cleaning up the bed prior to mulching, I came across some large ants-called jumping ants. These guys are aggressive little darlings! Glad I was wearing my newly purchased mens gumboots (because the ladies ones were 4 times the price?!!!), had my gardening knee pads on, and was wearing long gardening gloves. I must say, it made mulching fun, and an extra great cardio session. Working quickly to avoid a painful sting is just the motivation some times :) M. nigrocincta is common in SE QLD and northern NSW. For more information see section on venomous ants below. Pic: © Alex Wild/
And now, for some images. Not a lot of pics this week, but rest assured, a lot was done!
The swamp between my brolly beds. Smelly, boggy, fun to walk through with gumboots on, and a haven for all the birds.
The bridge is still in its new resting spot and not covering the creek. Not keen to see how far I can jump just yet.
Hubby worked hard removing yet more of the persistent tree stump. He managed to get through a huge amount in a few hours.
Shane and Mick were great helpers today. After their awesome clean-up effort, they helped me out by getting 3 barrow loads of extra mulch as my trailer load wasn't quite enough. Then they swept out the edging and cleaned up the rubbish piles beside the bed.
And there you have it, another week done and dusted. It's supposed to rain again this coming Sunday and continue for a few days. On one hand, I'm grateful- makes watering in my new bed easy. On the other hand- more water to flood the already full creek. I have been researching plants that like boggy feet-one discovery is a type of iris. I shall be looking around to see where I can purchase these babies from. If it's going to be a boggy area, why not spruce it up with gorgeous plants that thrive in this situation.
Please note this is a repost from my wifes blog
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