Can you believe it?! We have been working on the community gardens for 1 year! I am blown away at how far two novices have come in that time.
One year ago, we started with zero budget, an old and very worn hand mower and a very neglected lot. The brush cutter had gone missing too.
We only had 1 worker once a week who was often too fatigued to commit to several hours in a day. In all fairness-that hand mower is hard work, especially in the scorching summer heat and humidity.
We were only really committing to one day a week as well.
And, to be honest, we really had no clue of how to tackle and landscape the area.
How things have changed!
Now, we have:
- several workers across 2 week days
- a ride on mower
- a new brush cutter
- proper tools and a small budget for weekly maintenance
- a huge amount of plant donations to help the garden take shape
- several new garden beds
- 2 picnic table settings
- a bench seat
- a paved walkway with a safety rail
- a chess board with seating
- a stunning entrance way
- a cute picket fence
Yes, we still have so much to do. But the foundations are in place. I am thrilled to see what we have accomplished in one year. And now that I am slowly getting through a very tough season of change and incredible fatigue, I'm even more pumped for how much I can personally contribute to making this coming year bloomin lovely!
As we speak, I have several new plants awaiting their new home. I personally come alive when planning and planting. Thankfully, being an artist, I not only have creative vision, but can already see the mature garden-and it thrills me to know that people will be enjoying it soon too.
For now, let's look at the newest happenings....
One of the latest sunflowers. The veggie garden has given way to these beauties. It's been just too hot and dry to expect anything else to survive.
Hubby and Mick are leveling off the slope, ready for some erosion control planting.
I donated my fave bright pink, semi trailing geranium to fill the space below the mini lilly pilly shrubs. I also replanted some extra agapanthus, several aloe vera plants someone kindly donated, and some mother in laws tongue I had propagated.
The newest garden bed needed some new plants. Some of these are donations, some are purchased.
These plants are so easy to propagate. Who'd have thought that some silly persons dumping last year would turn into an abundance of free plants now :)
This garden bed took two days to plant out. After the initial planting, we were once again blessed with a huge number of free plants! I'm hoping the bromeliads grow up the tree and hide the X.
The bougainvilleas are literally leaping out of the ground and are considerably bigger since this picture was taken. Obviously, I need more mulch- it's a big slope.
Another view of our newest garden bed. It's too big to get it all in. It has a new frangipani, 2 grevilleas, countless bromeliads, including a large one pictured to the right, and many, many more plants.
So thrilled, and can't wait to see it flourish.
Just a little collage of my little garden. Sigh. makes me happy to see things grow and bloom.
Can't wait to show off some stunning new colours this coming year!
Watch this space people!!!
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