It feels like I haven't updated for months! This has been such a crazy season. I finished my uni semester a few weeks back, and hubby just finished his last Friday. When we haven't been busy building a garden and a family, we've had our heads bogged down in copious hours of study.
Thank goodness the study is over for now.
We have also been busy attending to the gardens not just on Thursdays. With Christmas looming, we are both keen to get as much done as is possible. The goal is having the gardens ready for summer.
Take a look at the pictures-they show clearly how much progress has occurred...
Yet another early morning Bunning's trip gathering supplies.
A few palings seemed to have gone for a walk, so hubby replaced them and is completing the last of the new fence.
Miss 2 is happy to take the stage (a tree stump!) and sing her lungs out while her mum and dad work :)
The planters filled with flowers! The ferns I had planned just didn't work, but they weren't wasted.
Here they are, simple ferns hiding an ugly tree stump.
I love that the pathway is now edged with flowering planter boxes.
This kookaburra is a daily sight at the gardens now.
Simple portulaca's adding a splash of colour.
I took some cuttings from geraniums and planted them out. Thrilled to say they have struck already :)
Look at the gorgeous colour! A perfect compliment to the marigolds.
I imagine what this will look like in a years time-so lush and beautiful.
It's garden edging time! Here, Paul is clearing the edge prior to concreting.
Shane and Paul mixing the concrete.
Here, Mick is laying pavers around the bench seat.
Hubby started off leveling the edge...
And Paul did an amazing job finishing it off.
Another view of the garden. The edging makes such a difference!
Work so far...exciting!
Nearly there. How good does it look!
As part of his uni work, hubby constructed a garden sculpture. This figure inspires people to sit and just be.
The amazing Poppa Ian Wilkins has been hard at it making palings for our picket fence. Here is about 130, neatly stacked. I've been informed, he's already done a huge amount more!
The bath tubs now have sunflower seeds. Always exciting to see the first ones germinate :)
Another week, another garden bed to edge.
Shane did a brilliant job of building up the slope ready for planting. I forgive him for dropping the shovel on my just healed toe and turning it purple!!!
Paul at it again, leveling the garden edge like a pro.
It was a hot, windy day, and as you can see, we desperately need rain. But at least the garden edging looks great.
A newly built up and planted out bed. In went the 20 free liriope plants, edged with transplanted Moses plants and with a frangipani cutting in the middle.
Another view of the new bed. Not much to see, but it will look so good when it grows a bit more and is edged with a picket fence.
The boys have already started edging the bromeliad bed.
I'm so thrilled that over half of my transplanted agapanthus are producing flower bulbs.
Sad to say some vandals attacked, not once but twice.
Even though it has taken forever, my first rain lilies have flowered! I only hope the white ones the boys trampled grow too.
There you have it, the last couple of weeks. So much progress!
Can't wait to show you more soon :)
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