Thursday, 24 November 2016

C3 community parkland and walking track update: Vandalism yet again

We arrived at church yesterday morning bright and early, ready to set up band breakfast. 

Oh joy. It had happened again. The poor statue had been utterly pummeled. But wait, there's more! During the space of the morning, while church was on, it was damaged further; flipped over, arms severed and a flower pot placed atop the head. 

It gets better. 

Later in the day we returned to water newly transplanted garden beds. The statue now had a paver on his chest after being pummeled further. 

Once again, that's not all. We now had a clear warning. 

Look below for details...

This damage confronted us as we went to the garden late in the afternoon. The flower pot hat was gone, as were the metal rods broken inside the abdomen.

This sight greeted us as we arrived early at church: a face planted, smashed sculpture :(

We know where the weapon went. The broken pieces were left, along with some sticks, as a not particularly subtle warning on the garden path.

Game On I say.

You've picked on the wrong people.

We are not going anywhere. If anything, this just makes us a trillion times more encouraged and determined. 

I get that to some the statue reminds people of a buddha. It's NOT! The sculpture is a slightly abstracted artwork to remind people to just be. Sit. Relax. Enjoy nature. Take 15 minutes out of your hectic day. 

I get that some people HATE church. I'm sorry guys. If this is the case, I'm praying your angry butt into the house of God. 

Whatever the motivation, we've got news for all. This garden is going ahead. We will constantly rebuild. It's our passion.

Anyway, we are as stubborn and tenacious as weeds.

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